Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about The Hero Monomyth in Sons of Anarchy - 665 Words

Claire Stemmer 16 March 2015 HUM 115-502 Prof. Streit SWA 4: Patterns of the Hero Monomyth in Sons of Anarchy In his renowned work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell defined the essential stages of the Heroic Journey, using examples from a wide range of myths and stories. His objective was not only to establish the framework for hero tales, but also to convey why these elements of the monomyth prevail in so many different works. Campbell’s view states that â€Å"the hero myth is really written about every human being: we are all heroes struggling to accomplish our adventure† (Whomsley, 185). From this perspective, it seems justified that these patterns continue to appear in so many stories adventure and heroism; we all want our†¦show more content†¦The element of the Hero’s Journey that the show most clearly reflects is the concept of â€Å"Atonement with the Father†. Central to the plotline is the relationship between father and son, and the implications are manifold. Clay Morrow fills the role of the mythical father figure, as well as one of the show’s antagonists despite his actual familial relationship with Jax. In Campbell’s analysis of the Hero’s Journey, the father figure plays a huge part in the hero’s transformation process: â€Å"His role is to test the hero to ascertain his worthiness† (190). The Father can also symbolize the source of evil that the hero must eliminate: â€Å"The hero’s quest, if successful, incorporates the defeat of an ogre or villain who represents the fearsome aspect of the father† (190). The point in the series where Jax ends Clay’s life is a truly pivotal moment in his heroic journey, as it signifies our protagonist stepping into a new position of leadership and responsibility. In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell delineated the essential features found in myths and stories of heroes and heroic journeys. His purpose in doing so was partly to elucidate the notion that we are all heroes on the course of our own adventures. Looking at contemporary works of fiction through the lens of the heroic monomyth, we are able to make connections between our own heroes and ourselves. Jax

Monday, December 16, 2019

Cyberschools Education and Students Free Essays

Over the years, technology has grown dramastically causing more schools to teach students over the web via Skype, video chats, and classroom discussions. Cyberschools are not for everyone, but it is an online school that allows students to take most or all their required courses online to obtain a diploma, certificate, or the proper training for a job. In this essay, I will argue the benefits of cyberschools creating a better learning environment and providing a better education to prepare students to be successful later in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Cyberschools: Education and Students or any similar topic only for you Order Now Cyberschools is an alternative to traditional school where students are allowed to just focus on their education without all the pressure coming from a traditional school. The growth of cyberschools is presented in the statistics, which â€Å"In 2008, 44 states offered significant online learning options for the estimated 1,030,000 students who are enrolled in online or blended full-time and supplemental courses. † This represents a growth of 47% since 2006 (Kowch, 2009). Cyberschools will create a better learning environment and provide a better education for students first, students can learn in the comfort of their own, or on the go without sitting in a room with all the distractions. For example, students that have parents in the military and that are deployed across seas, will not have to worry about missing assignments where they can go to any computer with internet access and complete that assignments and post to the discussion questions. Also, students do not have to worry about all the distractions that comes with traditional schools such as talking in class, bullies, and students coming to class late. Secondly, students have the options of choosing their program of choice and they have the flexibility when and where to take their courses, and how many hours they put into their studies. As well as, cyberschools allows students to work on their own time and at a pace that fit that student’s agenda. In the flexibility of cyberschools, it allows students if it is allowed by their instructors to work ahead in their courses. However, they do not have a set limit when they need to be in class during school. In addition, cyberschool would be great for professional students that have a job and have little time to set in a class setting in taking classes, which cyberschool provides the online learning that they need in completing their education without the middle man and distractions. Third, In cyberschools provides a better education and environment for students, is that the students can communicate with their instructors and classmates via e-mail or through their student portal without having to go a traditional school. Also, parents of students that are in pre-k and high schools attending cyberschools are more involved in their child’s education and they can keep track on how that student progress in their courses from day-to-day. Although, Cyberschools might not be for everyone, but it does have its benefits and advantages when it comes to students that have had a bad experience in traditional school from bullying and single parents that do not have babysitters, and professional students that want to go back to school, but do not have the time for taking courses in a class setting. How to cite Cyberschools: Education and Students, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Poverty Paradox for Philippines Case Study- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theThe Poverty Paradox for Philippines Case Study. Answer: Introduction In the modern world that we are living today, poverty is one of the subjects that have been given much attention by both scholars and researchers. This fact maybe because it has caused tremendous effects around the globe, not only from developing countries but also some areas in the developed countries. Poverty is about not having enough money for basic needs such as food clothing and shelter. Poverty has various definitions according to different schools of thought. However, the baseline is the same; that poverty has distinguishing characteristics like lack of basic needs hence inability to acquire or even think of secondary needs such as recreation. Research shows that over 3 billion people in the world live on a daily expenditure of less than $2.5. The research further shows that more than 50% of the world's population is living in abject poverty. As a result, it, therefore, becomes imperative to explore the topic. This research essay is aimed at looking at the paradox of poverty in the Philippines. Overview of Philippines Philippine is a tropical country located in the Pacific Ocean. It has 7,107 islands, and it lies in the western Pacific Ocean. It borders Taiwan to the north and Vietnam to the west. By surface area, Philippine is believed to be the 73rd largest country in the world having a population of 78 million people. It is the 7th populous country in Asia and the 13th most populous in the world. Manila is its capital city, and it hosts most of its educational and political institutions. Its economy has gotten stronger in the recent years and has remained dynamic(Datt, 2016). The percentage of people living in abject poverty in the country is currently 33% of the total population and 75% in some parts in the southern Philippines. What are the main causes of poverty in Philippines? Philippine, like any other countries, has the reasons as to why most of its population is living below the poverty line in spite of the fact that it is the leading producer of coconuts in the world. One of these causes is underutilization of natural resources(Agbola, 2017). Philippine is endowed with natural resources such as copper, gold, and zinc. In fact, its mineral deposits are the largest in the world. However, steps to utilize these natural resources have not been taken seriously. It is believed that the value of its mineral deposits is more than USD 849 billion(Mina, 2017). If steps were taken to exploit these natural resources, then the Philippines would be one of the richest countries, the reason being it will be able to provide enough food for its residents and more importantly enough job opportunities. Another major cause of poverty is political instability. Since President Ridrigon Duterte took office, Philippine has faced a never-ending line of political instability. Political instability leads to low productivity in the domestic industries and this lead to a decline the country's Gross Domestic Product and therefore per capita income(Mendoza, 2016). Political instability also scares away foreign investors who would have come to invest in the country and contribute to increased job opportunities hence reducing poverty. Does economic and population growth increase poverty? Another major cause of poverty in Philippine is a low pace of economic growth. Over the past 40 years, the country has experienced slow economic growth, and this has increased the poverty level. Another cause has been lack of poverty reduction strategies. Usually, when a country realizes that it is experiencing high poverty level, it lays out strategies towards the reduction of the poverty level(Rola, 2017). However, Philippine's government has been slow in taking corrective measures. Another main cause has been a weakness in the creation of employment as well as the quality of the jobs created. The Philippine government and citizens have not been able to come up good strategies that can provide quality jobs in the attempt to reduce the poverty level. One and the major cause of poverty in Philippine is increased and uncontrolled population growth. Over the recent past, the population of Philippine has been growing rapidly and uncontrollably. This growth has resulted to pressure in the consumption of the available resources and increased dependency ratio(Albert, 2014). The resultant effect of the same is poverty. Another cause is chronic exposure to risks such as natural disasters. Philippine has quite some active volcanoes that recurrently erupt. This disaster has caused uncertainty where people are not willing to invest in a particular place in fear of these disasters hence poverty. How has poverty affected Philippines? The poverty menace has resulted in some effects. One of these effects is malnutrition. The National Statistical Coordination board says that more than 11 million Filipinos are food poor and living below the subsistence level. Due to poverty, most of the people have not been able to get good enough and thus they have become malnourished. Research shows that due to food insecurity most of the preschool children are underweight and malnourished. Another effect is poor economic growth(Rosellon, 2016). Since most of the people are poor, they have nothing to invest in education, new crops, entrepreneurial activities or even skills. Moreover, they have little or no knowledge of market opportunities hence poor economic growth. Is increased child labor and theft as a result of poverty? Another effect is child labor. Statistics show that 3.6 million Filipino children between 5-17 years are child laborers. When parents lack enough money to educate them, they are left with no other option rather than going to streets to look for money for their upkeep and basic needs(Antoni, 2017). These children can be found laboring under the hot sun or even behind machines in small companies. Another effect is poor living conditions. That results from overcrowding and congestion due to increased population growth. Another major impact is crime and theft. Many people in the Philippines cant get enough money for their sustenance. As a result, they decide to do whatever it takes to provide for their families, and this includes stealing and robbery with violence. Research has proven that the major causes of theft and crime in Philippine are poverty. How about poverty and emerging issues? Poverty has also caused global warming and climate change(Sasaki, 2017). It has led to clear-cutting down of trees, something that has brought about desertification. Lack of trees causes global warming in the sense that there are no trees to absorb waste gases such as co2 released to the environment. Cutting down of trees also leads to lack of rain and therefore climate change. Solutions and conclusion The answer to the menace of poverty in Philippine is strategic planning. A board that will lay out poverty reduction strategies must be formed to tackle the matter. In providing solutions, the primary causes of poverty must be established from where strategies for closing the loopholes will be implemented. Poverty reduction is one of the sustainability goals, and it should be therefore dealt with urgently. Conclusively, the answer to the problem lies in the problem. Countering the causes of poverty will lead to better living in the Philippines. References Agbola, F., 2017. Does microfinance reduce poverty? New evidence from Northeastern Mindanao, the Philippines. Journal of rural studies, 9(5), pp.56-89. Albert, J., 2014. Urban and Rural Households Energy Use. Sets, Shocks, and Strategies in the Philippines, 5(7), pp.52-65. Antoni, S., 2017. Bladder cancer incidence and mortality. A global overview and recent trends, 4(8), pp.50-87. Datt, G., 2016. Multidimensional Poverty in the Philippines. Make choices for weighting, identification and aggregation matter?, 6(89), pp.5-15. Mendoza, R., 2016. Political dynasties and poverty: measurement and evidence of linkages in the Philippines. Oxford Development Studies, 5(8), pp.77-89. Mina, C., 2017. Estimation of vulnerability to poverty using a multilevel longitudinal model: Evidence from the Philippines. The Journal of Development Studies, 46(88), pp.45-76. Rola, A., 2017. Water Resources in the Philippines: Overview and Framework of Analysis. In Water Policy in the Philippines, 4(8), pp.37-57. Rosellon, M., 2016. Macroeconomic Overview of the Philippines and the New Industrial Policy. Journal of development, 4(9), pp.34-46. Sasaki, T., 2017. Breeding strategies to improve rice yields: an overview KK Jena and G. Ramkumar, International Rice Research Institute, The Philippines. In Achieving sustainable cultivation of rice Volume, 65(7), pp.54-59.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

MICROECONOMICS - TEST ONE Essays - Market, Consumer Theory

MICROECONOMICS - TEST ONE NAME __________________________________ Forty-four multiple choice questions, each worth 2 points; and two short-answer questions, each worth 6 points. For each question, circle the best answer. 1.The study of economics is primarily concerned with: A)keeping private businesses from losing money. B)keeping economics professors from starving to death. C)choices that are made in seeking to use scarce resources efficiently. D)determining the most equitable (fair) distribution of the government's money. 2.Even though the Orlando Sentinel is inexpensive, people rarely buy more than one of them each day. This fact: A)is an example of irrational behavior. B)implies that reading should be taught through phonics rather than the whole language method. C)contradicts the economic perspective. D)implies that, for most people, the marginal benefit of reading a second newspaper is less than the marginal cost. 3.The basic purpose of the "other things equal" (ceteris paribus) assumption is to: A)allow one to reason about the relationship between price and quantity of X without the intrusion of a change in the price of Z. B)allow one to focus upon micro variables by ignoring macro variables. C)allow one to focus upon macro variables by ignoring micro variables. D)allow one to reason about the relationship between revenues and expenses of a business. 4.Which of the following is a microeconomic statement? A)The real U.S. output increased by 2.5 percent last year. B)Unemployment was 6.8 percent of the U.S. labor force last year. C)The price of personal computers declined last year. D)The general price level (inflation) increased by 4 percent last year. 5.The problems of aggregate (at the national level) inflation and unemployment are: A)major topics of macroeconomics. B)not relevant to the U.S. economy. C)major topics of microeconomics. D)peculiar to socialistic economies. 6."If you leave a football game at the end of the third quarter, you will avoid traffic and get home more quickly. Therefore, everyone should leave the game early." This illustrates the: A)"sore loser syndrome" (loser doesn't want to see the end of the game when his team is losing.) B)adverse selection problem. C)fallacy of division. D)fallacy of composition. 7.If we say that two variables are inversely related, this means that: A)the two graph as an upsloping line. B)an increase in one variable is associated with a decrease in the other. C)an increase in one variable is associated with an increase in the other. D)the resulting relationship can be portrayed by a straight line parallel to the horizontal axis. Use the following to answer question 8: 8.Answer on the basis of the relationships shown in the above four figures. The amount of Y is inversely related to the amount of X in: A)2 only. B) both 1 and 3.C) 3 only.D) 1 only. 9.The fundamental problem of economics is: A)to establish a democratic political framework for the smooth operation of the government. B)the establishment of prices that reflect the relative scarcities of products and resources. C)dealing with the scarcity of productive resources relative to an unlimited number of economic wants. D)What do I do to get out of poverty? 10.Which of the following is real capital (as we define it in economics)? A)a pair of stockings B) a construction craneC) a savings accountD) a share of IBM stock 11.Economics can best be defined as the study of: A)how to profitably invest one's income in stocks and bonds. B)how to use scarce productive resources efficiently. C)how government policies affect businesses and labor. D)managing business enterprises for profit. 12.A production possibilities curve shows: A)that resources are unlimited. B)that people prefer one of the goods more than the other. C)the maximum amounts of two goods that can be produced assuming the full and efficient use of available resources. D)combinations of labor only necessary to produce specific levels of output. 13.Opportunity cost is best defined as: A)the monetary price of any productive resource. B)the amount of labor that must be used to produce one unit of any product. C)the ratio of the prices of imported goods to the prices of exported goods. D)the amount of one product that must be given up to produce one more unit of another product. 14."Allocative efficiency" refers to: A)the use of the least-cost method of production. B)the production of the product-mix most wanted by society. C)the full employment of all available resources. D)production at some point inside

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Great Gatsby as a social critique. essays

The Great Gatsby as a social critique. essays The Great Gatsby, a novel that illustrates society in the 1920s, should definitely be considered as a social critique. Scott Fitzgerald wrote this novel to demonstrate the social flaws and the social attitudes in the 1920s and 1930s or the Jazz Age, which is a time of prosperity and a booming economy. In this novel, Fitzgerald is criticizing the corruption of the American Dream, the immorality of the 1920s and injustice in society. The most criticized issue in this novel, is the one of the corruption of the American Dream. The American Dream was based on the assumption that anyone, no matter what their social class is, could have prosperity if the have effort and skill. This novel is about what happened to this American Dream and how the pursuit of wealth corrupted it. The characters in this novel are in constant pursuit of money, glamour, success and excitement to feel complete about themselves. For example, Tom and Daisy are very materialistic, they want a big house, expensive items and everything that seems valuable. Scott Fitzgerald wasnt criticizing the American Dream itself, but the death of it. He wanted to show how the immoral people, who havent put in hard work and cheated, have all the money. For instance, Jay Gatsby got his fortune through his dealings with organized crime, which was a empty form of success. Gatsby needed his enormous mansion, his money and his fame before he could feel confident ab out winning Daisy back. His transformation from James Gatz to Jay Gatsby shows how people can change themselves according to their ambition for wealth and prosperity, even if it has to do with criminal activities. This showed how the American Dream pushed people who were crazy about money into crime or any immoral behaviors. Jordan is another character in the novel the shows immoral traits, such has cheating during one of her golf tournaments or encouraging Daisy to have an affai ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

When Do SAT Subject Test Scores Come Out

When Do SAT Subject Test Scores Come Out SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips After you take the SAT Subject Tests, you probably want to find out your results right away. You'll have to be a little patient, though, as you might need to wait between two and six weeks to get your SAT Subject Test scores. We've compiled the exact score delivery dates below. We also offer tips on how to track down your scores and what to do after you get them. Read on to find out just when you'll get your SAT Subject Test scores. SAT Subject Test Score Release Dates 2019-2020 After some delays in score delivery in recent years, the College Board now promises online score delivery within three weeks for most SAT and SAT Subject Test dates. Additionally, any colleges you designate as score recipients should get your SAT scores within 10 days after you get your own score report. As you can see, delivery dates (to both students and their selected schools) can range from two weeks to more than five weeks (for June score deliveries). In the chart below, you'll find windows for score release dates for the rest of the 2018-2019 Subject Test dates: Test Date Online and Paper Score Delivery Date Scores Sent to Colleges By May 4, 2019 May 17, 2019 May 27, 2019 June 1, 2019 July 10, 2019 July 20, 2019 Source: The College Board And here are our estimated dates for the 2019-2020 Subject Test dates: Test Date Online and Paper Score Delivery Date Scores Sent to Colleges By Aug 24, 2019 Sept 6, 2019 Sept 16, 2019 Oct 5, 2019 Oct 18, 2019 Oct 28, 2019 Nov 2, 2019 Nov 15, 2019 Nov 25, 2019 Dec 7, 2019 Dec 20, 2019 Dec 30, 2019 May 2, 2020 May 15, 2020 May 25, 2020 June 6, 2020 July 15, 2020 July 25, 2020 Source: The College Board The College Board delivers paper score reports at the same time SAT Subject Test scores become available online; however, they're not explicit about when exactly colleges will get SAT Subject Test scores, only promising that colleges should get them within 10 days after students get their own score reports. At least you know exactly when you can get your scores online, though. Read on for a step-by-step explanation of how to access your SAT Subject Test scores on the dates above. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Raise Your SAT Score by 160 Points(Free Download) How to Get Your SAT Subject Test Scores Internet score delivery for SAT Subject Tests should take place around 8 am Eastern Time (5 am Pacific Time). According to students, the scores sometimes appear a few hours earlier. To get your scores, log on to your College Board account and go to "My Test Scores." Once there, you'll see your scores from any and all SAT Subject Tests you've taken. You'll need your username and password to be able to log in and view your scores. If you don't remember one or both of these, go through the steps to recover this info with the email associated with your account. If you need to recover your username and/or password, try to do so before score release day. It wouldn't be any fun to go through this rigmarole as your scores wait in your account, just out of reach! According to the dates above, your paper score report should be delivered to you around the same time they come out online. You can also get your Subject Test scores over the phone by calling 866-756-7346 (domestic) or 212-713-7789 (international). This service costs $15 per call, so you'll need to have a credit card on hand. Now that you know when to expect your SAT Subject Test scores and how to access them, is there anything else to keep in mind about the Subject Tests? How to Schedule Your SAT Subject Tests Since you now know when you'll get your SAT Subject Test scores, you should design your testing schedule with these dates in mind, especially when it comes to college application deadlines. At present, the College Board does not commit to having scores to colleges by specific dates, only stating when they'll start to deliver them. Therefore, I suggest giving yourself at least a week of leeway between your score release date and your application deadline. It's possible that colleges will be more lenient because of past score release delays, but I wouldn't risk it or risk getting stressed out about it. You want to leave enough time for colleges to get your scores. You might also leave extra time to retake a Subject Test or two if you end up being disappointed with your scores. Remember that all the SAT Subject Tests are multiple choice and your answer sheets are scored by a machine. Make sure to keep them neat and not make any stray marks or doodles, as the machine won't be able to tell the difference between a real answer and a stray mark. As long as you schedule your SAT Subject Tests with enough time for colleges to receive your score reports, you'll be all set- you just have to wait out the weeks until you get your scores! What to Do After You Get Your SAT Subject Test Scores You've gotten your SAT Subject Test scores. Now what? Do you focus on SAT/ACT prep? Apply to college? Or just totally forget about your scores? Here's a step-by-step guide on what to do after you see your SAT Subject Test scores. Step 1: Determine How Good Your Scores Are First, it's important to check that your Subject Test scores are up to par (or even better than) the average Subject Test scores at the schools you're applying to. This lets you see whether you're on track to being a competitive applicant or whether you need to work a little harder on presenting yourself as an ideal candidate to schools. To find the average SAT Subject Test score for a college, search for "[School Name] SAT Subject Test scores" or "[School Name] average SAT Subject Test scores" on Google. Look for links to the school's official website and click the one that's most relevant. A good score will be one that's equal to or higher than the school's average. Unfortunately, not all schools list average SAT Subject Scores. If you're having trouble finding your school's average or recommended SAT Subject Test scores, try comparing your scores with official Subject Test averages and percentiles. This will tell you how many test takers you scored higher than on a Subject Test. Step 2: Decide Whether to Submit Your Scores to Schools Now that you have an idea of how well you did on your Subject Tests, it's time to decide whether you want to submit your scores to schools. (Note that if you elected to use the College Board's four free score reports when you registered for the tests, your scores will be automatically sent to the schools you chose before you can know what your scores actually are.) If a school requires Subject Test scores and you're only going to take the tests once, go ahead and submit your scores, even if they weren't as high as you hoped they'd be. You don't really have much of a choice here since not submitting them means your application will be disqualified! On the other hand, if Subject Test scores are completely optional, only submit your scores if they're higher than the averages at the school. If you got a low score, it's better to not submit it since all it'll do is bring down the quality of your application. (By contrast, if you submit no scores, this won't have any effect on your application.) If your school strongly recommends SAT Subject Test scores, it's best to send them in. That said, if you scored poorly on a test, you can choose to not send in that score and instead opt to retake the test at a later point (if you can do so before your college applications are due, that is). Check out our guide for a list of all SAT Subject Test dates. Step 3: Start Working On Your College Applications If you decided to submit your Subject Test scores to your schools, congrats! Now, it's time to start buckling down on your college applications. You'll want to present yourself in the best possible light, so make sure to write a great personal statement, submit strong letters of recommendation, and get involved in extracurricular activities you're interested in. If you decided to retake a Subject Test, you'll want to balance your time wisely by studying for the test and getting a jumpstart on your college applications. I suggest making a study schedule so you can pace yourself and space out the things you'll need to prepare for your college applications. What's Next? Have you chosen the dates you'll take your SAT Subject Tests on? Check out our article for the best dates to take the tests, and get tips on how to balance them with the general SAT or ACT. Are you also taking the SAT? Make sure you know all the steps to getting and sending your SAT scores, and figure out how high of an SAT score you should aim for. If you're taking the ACT, learn how to get and send your ACT scores and what ACT score you should aim for. Want to get a perfect SAT or ACT score? Read our guides to learn how you can score a perfect 1600 on the SAT or a full 36 on the ACT. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Date (phoenix dactylifera L) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Date (phoenix dactylifera L) - Research Paper Example A single bunch of date palms that weighs about 8 kg may contain as many as 1000 dates. â€Å"The dried fruit is more than 50% sugar by weight and contains about 2% each of protein, fat and mineral water† (online-family-doctor.com, n.d.). Date palm belongs to the Phoenix dactylifera tree in the palm family. The mt genome of P. dactylifera shows a variety of unique traits as it happens to be the first of the family plants of palm. It not only positions at the known monocot mt genomes’ roots, but also has a significantly low repeat content level while it exhibits the RNA editing events in abundance. Date palm shows â€Å"a high level of chloroplast sequence insertions as compared to other known angiosperm mt genomes† (Fang et al., 2012, p. 9). There is no objective record of the exact location where and time when the date palm originated as this information is believed to have been lost in antiquity, yet there are many records that suggest the cultivation of date palm in 4000 B.C. as the date palm was employed in the construction of the moon god’s temple in the Southern Iraq, Mesopotamia. Another proof of the antiquity of this fruit is the Nile Valley in Egypt where the date palm was adopted to symbolize a year in the Egyptian hieroglyphics whereas the frond of the date palm was used as a month’s symbol. â€Å"[This information] is confirmed by history, and corroborated by the archaeological research into ancient historical remains of the Sumerians, Akadians and Babylonians†¦Houses of these very ancient people were roofed with palm tree trunks and fronds. The uses of date for medicinal purposes, in addition to its food value, were also documented† (Zaid and Wet, n.d.). Date palms are believed to originate in Babel, Iraq, though there are also evidences of its origination in Harqan, and Dareen. Date is one of the most nutritious and delicious fruits that have been

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Healthcare Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare Communication - Essay Example She was following the rules of gaining information. There was also a conflict of interest regarding the setting. According to HIPAA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996 the mode of communication and interaction should be lucid, fast and simple. But in this case the nurse complicated the matter and it appears as a direct violation of HIPPA Title II that denotes AS or Administrative Simplification. (Fletcher, 187) Clearly the responsible parties are the hospital employees including the nurse and the in a way the training institute and the hospital are also responsible. It should be mentioned that the patient parties are also responsible as they could have been more tolerant in this case. As everything was happening in a public place, people were quite aware of the situation. The nurse was not able to demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness as accurately or quickly as she might have if the setting were clear. This led to an unprofessional approach to the situation, which in turn led to it blowing up. Finally, because the nurse was informed a week earlier of the new teachings of consent forms, she felt her battle with the husband and the surgeon both were against professional practice regarded as appropriate at the hospital. Again, she had the dilemma of not being able to show professionalism in the most important setting of her work.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

American Political System and Philosophy Essay Example for Free

American Political System and Philosophy Essay The United States of America would have been completely different had the Founding Fathers been influenced by a different philosophical stream. Had democracy not been the cornerstone of the nation, Americans would not be enjoying the rights they have today. Democracy, in its literal meaning, suggests that the power of the state rests on its constituents and that, therefore, the fate of the country solely depends on its people. Without a democratic system, there will be no elections and no representations in the political arena. Since elections provide the means for the people to constantly shape the course of the nation’s institutions through elected officials, the lack thereof deprives Americans of their right to steer their country towards the direction which they see best fits their needs. For the most part, the Founding Founders perfectly embodied the noble principle of democracy in three simple words—â€Å"We the People†. If the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes became the foundation of America, Americans will be forced to surrender their rights to a single authority. In effect, Americans will be left powerless as the â€Å"Leviathan† would have now held and wielded the aggregate of all their rights. The limitation of the political philosophy of Hobbes is clear—it does not recognize a large number of the rights of the people, more so their inalienable rights. Without recognizing the rights of the people, society becomes either lifeless or mechanical as individuals are forced to follow whatever the sitting authority dictates. In the society of Hobbes, Americans have no right to tell the ruler what to do. In some cases, modern Americans are unable to convince their local officials to do as they are told by their constituents. Rather, some local officials play deaf and mute to the calls of their constituents to make certain actions that will favor the larger body politic instead of a few chosen elites. If the political philosophy of John Stuart Mill became the foundation of America, the political system would have been chosen depending on the greatest good for the greatest number. In short, the political system will essentially be a Utilitarian system. In such a system, certain harms towards some Americans are permissible so long as the majority of the population is able to gain the best benefit. It then becomes clear that human rights violations are permissible if such violations would realize the best interest of the people. For example, the murder of thieves vigilante groups commit becomes acceptable because it reduces the possible sources of threats to life and property to most Americans. In the long run, the rule of law becomes parallel to the rule of the majority. Minorities who stand in opposition to the principles and ideals of the majority become powerless and are reduced to â€Å"toothless† citizens of the nation unable to change the social situation. Oftentimes, modern American culture reflects the Utilitarian perspective. One compelling example is the time when African-Americans were racially discriminated. Their discrimination was left unattended to by the federal government at that time primarily because most of the American population such as the â€Å"conservatives† benefitted from the oppression—benefit as in the context of their perception. I think the political philosophy of John Locke best reflects the formation of America as a nation. Locke primarily espouses the idea that men in the State of Nature would come together and transfer the power to punish transgressors to the government. Although the will of the majority requires all people to follow that will, the government plays the role of judge in times when offenses towards the people occur. The society formed from convention of people comes with certain laws that guide the actions of all people and serve as an adjudicating force with the aid of judges. Today, much of Locke’s political philosophy can be observed in America. The country has its own set of laws that guide the conducts of its citizens. Although the will of the majority is observed especially during elections, it does not necessarily deprive the minority of their rights and privileges in the society. As a matter of fact, American laws, in principle, do not discriminate between those who belong to the majority and those who are from the minority. All people are equal before the law.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility by Harry Frankfurt Ess

In â€Å"Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility†, Harry Frankfurt attempts to falsify the Principle of Alternate Possibilities. The Principle of Alternate Possibilities is the principle where a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise. A person would be morally responsible for their own actions if done by themselves. If someone else had forced that person to do the action, then the person doing the action is not morally responsible. Frankfurt does not believe this to be true and that the person doing the action is morally responsible. Frankfurt’s objections towards the Principle of Alternate Possibilities shows the refutation of natural intuition and places moral responsibility upon those who deserve it. Frankfurt’s â€Å"Black and Jones† example is an appropriate explanation for how the Principle of Alternative Possibilities works. Black put a gun on Jones’ head and tells him to do action A. According to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities, this will play out in three ways. If Jones was not a reasonable man and was â€Å"gung-ho†, not caring about any consequences or cost, then he is not to be morally responsible for that action. If Jones was afraid of what Black will do with the gun and decides to change his decision from doing any other action to action A, then he is only morally responsible for the decision that he made earlier and not for the action. If Jones isn’t affected by Black’s actions, but he considers those actions in planning to make his next move yet still follows his original decision, then he is morally responsible for all actions and decisions.(Frankfurt; Watson, 169-170) What Frankfurt is considering to be a counter-e xample to the Principle of Alternate Possibil... ...ow moral responsibility. One needs to will other alternate possibilities, knowing that there is no moral responsibility for them, to show that the original will has moral responsibility. It is like placing a white stone on a pile of black stones to emphasize the fact that that one stone is a white stone. This shows the need for alternate possibilities and strengthens Frankfurt’s argument. In conclusion, Frankfurt’s argument against the Principle of Alternate Possibilities showed that people under coercion had moral responsibility for their own actions. Copp placed the value of moral responsibility to the ability of being able to do one’s will and Pereboom supports Frankfurt’s argument by placing the robustness condition on alternate possibilities. This shows that there is still a need to put more thought and brainstorming into who has the moral responsibility.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Comparison between Spanish and British methods of colonization

Making a comparison between the Spanish and British methods of colonization can be useful to comprehend all the motives our ancestors had to impose its civilization in America and also to understand all the consequences of all this events that at the present time can be noticed. The Spanish colonization of America began with the entrance in the western hemisphere of Christopher Columbus in 1942, influenced by the necessity to find an alternative route for the trade of spices as well as the grown desires to find gold and silver.Is well known that one of the most powerful purposes of Spanish was to take maximum advantage of the resources of America, especially the gold, in order to return to Spain and become a wealthy kingdom. One of the obstacles Spanish people found in their way to attain their goal were the extensive areas with huge quantity of native population that inhabited the American continent in addition to their different foreign language. Another important factor that limit ed the Spanish people was the diseases they brought with themselves. Since the native populations did not have any resistance to those diseases, the American population decimated.The limitations they had were as important as the choices they decided to make. One of the actions they made was to displace the original cultures that already were established in the American territory in order to take their land and organize it under their sovereignty. Another aspect they established was that the Native Americans would not be submitted to a slavery regime, but to a regime of â€Å"Encomienda† (commission). The Encomienda established that the Indians had to work obligatorily for the Spanish person that was turning out to be their agent.One of the most outstanding consequences of all of these events, was the slowly but surely destruction of most of the Natives because of the European diseases and the systems of forced labor (such as the Encomienda). Another result was the conversion of the American population to the Catholicism, forced by the Spanish Empire. This particular mission was widely successful since nowadays half of the Catholics of the world live in Latin America. Also is important to mention the Mestizo class formed by the Natives and the Spanish intermarriages. In the other hand, British colonization of America began in the late 16th century.Unlike the Spanish, the British were looking for richness for themselves and not for their empire. Another difference is that the British came to America not with the intention to conquer and exploit this new land, but simply with the desire to settle themselves in it. The limitations that stopped the British to attain their goal are similar to the constraints Spaniards had. A few of those are the European diseases and the language as well as the native population that inhabited America, even though at that moment there was a small number of natives the British tried to colonize. The British made very different decisions than the Spanish did.Instead of returning to Europe and make their country a wealthy nation, they preferred to begin a new life in a new land. They created farms and built cities. They also used a different regime called â€Å"Headright System† that consisted in granting every male head of household who came to the New World a land of 50 acres. The outcomes of the British method of colonization have one aspect similar to the Spanish: the destruction of the Indian culture, mainly because of the European diseases. But contrary to the Spanish situation, in the British sector the â€Å"mestizaje† was very low or non-existent.Also, we can observe that the British were successful on having fulfilled their goal of beginning a new life in a new land. Finally I consider the Spanish were incredibly cruel in their colonization method. On the other hand I believe the British used a better method giving to their colonization a certain freedom of development and respectin g their culture in a certain level. I believe that it was a more civilized way of having the natives calmed, and clearly the correct way. This can be noticed now when we see that the countries colonized by England have a more notable advance in technology and civilization.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Rivalry Among Existing Firms: Strong

The Rivalry among existing firms: strong The office supply industry has a large number of players with a high diversity of rivals. Competition is very furies between them because the office supply industry is so divers in product and services they provide; they include high volume office supply, warehouse clubs, online retailers, copy and print businesses, discount retailers and local and regional contract stationers. The large number of competitors in this industry, along with a lack of product differences, with low switching coast for buyers and the ability of the buyers to shop around the internet for the best price.Had made this industry growth to become very slow. source http://360. datamonitor. com/Product? pid=4CA55D31-18F9-44E1-BB86-D1E5E5306887 Rivalry Figure 9: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the office services & supplies market in the United States, 2010 Players range in size and product diversity; they include high-volume office supply providers (e. g. Staples), warehous e clubs (e. g. Costco), copy and print businesses (e. g. FedEx Office), online retailers (e. g. Amazon. com), ink cartridge specialty stores, discount retailers, as well as several local and regional contract stationers. Related article: Evaluate External Corporate CommunicationsThe large number of players, along with low-cost switching for buyers, low product differentiation, easy expansion by utilizing the internet, and poor market growth in recent years, intensifies rivalry amongst incumbents. This is ameliorated somewhat by the diversity displayed in the product portfolio of some players, such as online retailers and discount retailers, who operate in other markets and are therefore not solely reliant on the revenues generated from the office services and supplies market.Relatively low storage costs and the non-specificity of players’ assets lowers barriers to exit and eases rivalry. Overall, rivalry is strong. FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS The office services & supplies market will be analyzed taking retailers of paper, storage, stationary, and office services, such as photocopying, printing and binding as players. The key buyers will be taken as businesses, and manufacturers of paper, storage, st ationary, and equipment for photocopying, printing and binding as the key suppliers. SummaryFigure 4: Forces driving competition in the office services & supplies market in the United States, 2010 The market is highly fragmented with players ranging from multinational high-volume office supply providers to local stationers. The abundance and diversity of buyers weakens buyer power, whilst low-cost switching, low product differentiation, and high price sensitivity strengthen it. Such factors, along with low brand loyalty and easy access to suppliers and distribution, also contribute to the high likelihood of new entrants.Suppliers are numerous, and low differentiation, along with some backwards integration by players who sell their own branded goods, weakens supplier power. The large number of players, along with low-cost switching for buyers, low product differentiation, easy expansion by utilizing the internet, and poor market growth in recent years, intensifies rivalry amongst inc umbents. Buyer power Figure 5: Drivers of buyer power in the office services & supplies market in the United States, 2010 Buyers are numerous and diverse.This, along with the importance of the products and services provided by players to buyers, weakens buyer power. Buyers can range in size from sole proprietors to multinational corporations and buyer power is boosted by larger buyers with greater financial muscle. Large businesses put office services and supplies out to tender bids while smaller businesses can negotiate discounts through trade associations. However, buyer power is sustained by low customer loyalty, low switching costs, low level product differentiation and high price sensitivity, giving customers a wide choice of retailers.The internet has made cost comparison easier, raising price transparency and increasing competition. Overall, buyer power is moderate. Supplier power Figure 6: Drivers of supplier power in the office services & supplies market in the United State s, 2010 Suppliers are numerous and diverse with a large array of goods. This scale of competition from low cost economies in the Asia-Pacific places restraints on other suppliers. Players tend to have several suppliers, and this, along with low switching costs, weakens supplier power, particularly in instances where larger players have greater negotiating power.On the other hand, suppliers can offer their products to a wide range of customers, and this serves to increase their supplier power. There are elements of integration within the industry as global players sell their own branded goods. For example, Staples own branded goods represented about 23% of their sales in 2009. The lower pricing of such activities undercuts the power of other suppliers. Overall, supplier power is moderate. New entrants Figure 7: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the office services & supplies market in the United States, 2010Most office supplies are commoditized products, which hav e little brand loyalty. This, along with low enduser switching costs, little government regulation, and easy access to suppliers and distribution channels, is conducive to the entry of new players into the market. Larger players benefit from scale economies that allow them to compete with high-volume office supply providers that lead the market. Larger players with greater financial muscle would be able to negotiate better contracts with suppliers and therefore achieve better profit margins.Entry can be achieved on a smaller scale by focusing on a specific product range (e. g. an ink cartridge specialty store) or by developing an online retail shop. Poor growth in recent years, with stagnant growth forecast for the 2010-2015 period, decreases the threat of new entrants into the market somewhat. Overall, the threat of new entrants is strong. Substitutes Figure 8: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the office services & supplies market in the United States, 2010Many mode rn companies are taking strategies to minimize costs and the environmental impact of their operations by moving towards a paperless office format: switching costs are not excessive, as most companies have already invested in appropriate ICT systems. This, therefore, constitutes a serious challenge to those operating primarily with paper-based office products. Storage and stationary may also be influenced by switching to a paperless office format. Office services such as photocopying, printing and binding may be substituted by electronic forms of communications.Overall, the threat of substitutes is moderate. Same source Office Depot, Inc. Table 10: Office Depot, Inc. : key facts Head office: 6600 North Military Trail, Boca Raton, Florida 33496, USA Telephone: 1 561 438 4800 Fax: 1 800 685 5010 Website: www. officedepot. com Financial year-end: January Ticker: ODP Stock exchange: New York Source: company website D A T A M O N I T O R Office Depot is engaged in the supply of office pro ducts and services. The company offers national branded and private labeled office products which includes business machines, computers and office furniture.Some of the private brands are Office Depot, Niceday, Foray, Ativa, Break Escapes, Worklife and Christopher Lowell. The company conducts its business through three business divisions: North American retail, North American business solutions and international. The North American retail division sells a range of branded and private branded merchandise including office supplies, business machines and computers, computer software, office furniture and other business related products and services. These products are sold through the company's chain of office supply stores in the US and Canada.The stores operated by the division also contain a copy, print and ship center which offers graphic designing, printing, reproduction, mailing, shipping, and other services. In 2008, Office Depot started PC support and network installation servi ces to provide in-home, in-office and in-store support for the technology needs of the customers. By the end of 2008, the company operated nearly 1,267 office supply stores in the US and Canada. Store replenishment is handled through cross dock facilities and the bulk merchandise is sorted and shipped within a day. By the end of 2008, the company operated 12 cross dock facilities.The North American business solutions division sells nationally branded and private brand office supplies, technology products, furniture and services through various channels: dedicated sales force; catalogs and internet sites. The division's direct business is tailored to service small and medium sized customers. These customers can order products from the catalogs through phone or through the company's websites. The North American business solutions division employs a dedicated sales force for the contract business which serves predominantly, medium sized to fortune 100 companies.The sales force LEADING COMPANIES United States – Office Services ; Supplies 0072 – 2115 – 2010 Â © Datamonitor. This profile is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Page 29 offer customers allied services of providing information, business-tools and problem solving. In addition, the division undertakes government contracts through a multi-state contract available to local and state government agencies, school districts, higher education and non-profit organizations across the US.The division operated 20 distribution centers at the end of 2008 and it fills in the contract and direct business orders through inventory maintained in these distribution centers. The international division offers office products and services in 48 countries throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Central America. Office Depot offers its products through wholly-owned and majorityowned entities or other ventures in 38 countries. This division sells its products and services through direct mail c atalogs, contract sales forces, internet sites and retail stores. Office Depot operated 162 retail stores in France, Japan,Hungary, Israel, Sweden and South Korea, as of January 2009. In addition, the company operated 98 stores under licensing and merchandise arrangements in South Korea and Thailand. Office Depot participates in the joint venture Office Depot de Mexico which operates 186 stores in Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama. This division established regional headquarters for Europe/ Middle East and Asia to support its operations in these geographies. The company offers its products in the international market through more than 35 websites which cater to various geographical locations.It offers products through catalogs in 14 countries. Office Depot operated 43 wholly owned and majority owned distribution centers by the end of 2008 for providing inventory to fill in the orders of its international division. Source http://www. community. officedep ot. com/envpolicyqa. asp Clarifying Q ; A | Who are Office Depot's Stakeholders? | | Office Depot is committed to working with its stakeholders – our suppliers, employees, customers, shareholders and the conservation science community – to promote and advance environmental stewardship.This said, Office Depot will maintain an open communication channel with other organizations that wish to contribute to our process of continual improvement – a communications channel and process in which contributions are considered within the framework of conservation science, so that we may continue to strengthen our environmental performance by internalizing appropriate, scientifically based improvements to our environmental policies and programs.Office Depot's work with the conservation science community reflects our desire for a collaborative, scientific approach to identifying and addressing the issues of environmental stewardship. | | | Why Does Office Depot engage its Stak eholders and what is Office Depot's approach to stakeholder involvement? | | Office Depot's approach is one of inclusion and consultation for the mutual benefit of the environment and our stakeholders.Office Depot actively promotes the responsible use of our natural resources by working with these stakeholders in the ongoing pursuit of improvements and innovation that promote and advance the principles of environmental stewardship in ways that: * Produce solutions with integrity and purpose; * Are responsible, transparent, accountable, realistic and actionable; * Produce results that are tangible, measurable and reportable; and, * Reward innovation and leadership. |

Thursday, November 7, 2019

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement - CoSchedule

15 Tactics To Improve Your Brands Pinterest Engagement Pinterest isnt just an awesome place to find new recipes or inspiration for a clever DIY project. Its also a great place for sharing content and marketing your brand. To connect with  your audience on Pinterest, you need to know the right tactics to drive the most engagement possible. In social media terms, engagement refers to the use of strategic, resourceful content to create meaningful interactions over time. If you search Google for  Pinterest Engagement you might find yourself looking at endless photos of engagement rings, but not here. Here you will learn  15 ways you can skyrocket your Pinterest engagement. If your brand isnt on Pinterest, it might be worth making an account. Pinterest was once known as that social media network that was all about housewives and pretty pictures, but now its comfortably taking on the big three (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) of social media. While 80% of users are female, men are starting to catch the Pinterest bug. In the past year, the number of male users has doubled, making them Pinterest’s fastest growing demographic. This means Pinterest has the ability to bring in a high engagement rate. But how? Lets get started and find out! Optimize Your Pinterest Posting Schedule For Maximum Engagement Optimize your Pinterest schedule (and all your other social media), with this free resource bundle. 1. Create Multiple Boards Related to Your Brand Creating multiple boards on Pinterest gives your brand more opportunity to catch your audience's attention. If you have one or two boards with 500+ random Pins, no one is going to take the time to look because your profile will look barren. On the other hand, if you have several well-organized boards that have distinct categories, your audience will be more likely to check them out. Social Media Examiner does a great job at keeping their boards organized by category: The names and descriptions of your Pinterest boards are important. Not only do they tell  users exactly what they can expect, they also assist users  in finding your content. Try to keep the names of your boards short and simple for easy readability. To create a Pinterest board, click the  Create Board  icon: Then decide the title of the board, add an optional description, and categorize what type of board you'd like: Click  create and wallah! Repeat these steps for each new Pinterest board you create. Create multiple boards on Pinterest for easy categorization.2. Repin Valuable Content From Other Accounts Just like with any social media platform, sharing others’  content is one of the best ways to show that you’re not all about you, and that you value a variety of perspectives beyond your own. The same goes for Pinterest. According to Social Marketing Writing, 80% of Pins on Pinterest are repins. To find content for repinning, follow these steps: 1. Use Pinterest's search bar to locate keywords relating to your brand. 2. After finding a Pin you want to repin, select Save: 3. Select which board of yours you want the repin to be placed on: See something great on #Pinterest? Repin it!3. Use Appealing Cover Photos for Pinterest Boards Just like Facebook, you can create cover photos for Pinterest. At , we have five distinct boards that have their own cover image to help our audience better find our content. Creating cover photos for your boards is an excellent way to establish branding. Including branding images  such as colors, logo, and style allows users to become more familiar with your visual message. Be sure to choose one or two short words that describes what type of content your board includes. To create a cover photo for your Pinterest boards, start by designing a graphic that fits with your company's branding  and is  217 X 147 pixels. Locate the board you want the image to be placed and click the  edit button: Under  Cover in the edit settings, click  Change. Select the graphic you just added to be your cover photo. Once you've selected the photo, click  Save Changes. Repeat these step for each of your Pinterest boards. Give your #Pinterest boards creative cover images.4. Use Long Images  To Stand Out On Boards Don't be a square, be a rectangle when it comes to Pinterest images. Pinterest is a visual playground for your audience, so it's important that your Pin stands out above the rest. Tall images are proven to be more eye-catching and easier to read than wide ones because it's much easier to scroll vertically than horizontally. Taller images- those containing more "content"- tend to get more repins than shorter images. Think infographic-style image like this Pin: Here's a few fun facts about Pinterest images from Design School: Images with multiple dominant colors have 3.25 times more repins than images with only a single dominant color. Images containing less than 30% background are repinned the most. Images with less than 10% background receive between 2-4 times more repins than images with more than 40% background. Red, orange and brown images get twice as many repins than blue images. Less than 1/5 of images on Pinterest are of faces. Similarly, a brand image is 23% more likely to be repinned if the image does not have a face in it. The next time you design an image for Pinterest, try making it the ideal size of 725 pixels wide x 1102 pixels high. Recommended Reading: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics That Will Grow Your Following 5. Have Conversations and Say 'Thank You' Pinterest is a social media platform after all, so it's time to get social! Pinterest allows users to have conversations with each other through direct messages. To send a direct message, simply click the paper airplane icon and type in the name of the user you want to send the Pin to. To use direct messaging for Pinterest marketing, Positionly  offers the following advice: Reach out to fans who have liked a product offering them assistance in purchasing the item. Offer thanks to followers through a personalized message for re-pinning one of your pins. Send out personalized coupons or gift cards to star re-pinners and get them to transact on your site. Set up group conversations with like-minded followers. Help them connect with each other and your brand on topics of mutual interest. Another way to interact with your audience on Pinterest is by saying thank you. When someone retweets you on Twitter, you thank them for mentioning you. When someone shares your post on Facebook, you comment thanking the user for sharing. On Pinterest it is no different. If you see someone has repinned your Pin, then make the effort to go to their Board, and make a comment saying â€Å"thanks† for repinning.  This tactic is  overlooked on Pinterest, and by doing it, you could bring yourself some great engagement with other Pinners. To thank a user: Find the Pin you want to comment on. Click  comments  on the bottom left corner of the Pin. Type your 'thank you' message and click the red comment button. See someone repin your content on #Pinterest? Be sure to thank them.6. Add Group Boards  for More Exposure Creating your own Group Board gives you the upper hand in deciding many things, including who you want to add as collaborators. This also provides you with access to the group’s analytics. By creating a group board, you are allowing collaborators of your choice to add Pins and share ideas.  Your audience may already be liking, commenting and sharing your content with their followers on Pinterest, but inviting them to pin to your brand’s group board will get them more engaged and involved in your online conversation. To make your own Group Board: Click the first tab with the plus-sign symbol on it- this creates a new board. Add keywords to the group’s name for better visibility in the search results. Add a brief description about the group board and its goals. Also include the rules for users that seek membership in your group within your description. Add the usernames or email IDs of any users interested in contributing to your board. Recommended Reading: How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization 7. Use Pinterest Analytics to Find What Your Audience Wants Want to know how your content is performing? Use Pinterest’s built-in analytics  to check what boards have the most impressions, clicks, and repins. In oder to build engagement with your followers, you need to have a basic understanding of what's working and what's not. This video from Pinterest will show you how to get started with Pinterest Analytics: Get the most out of your Pins by understanding analytic data. Maybe you'll find out that you're posting at the wrong times or not posting enough. Pinterest has it's own analytics system to ensure you're doing all the right things. Be sure to check out your reach in Pinterest Analytics, this metric matters most for engagement. It will be purple in color: You can locate your brand's Pinterest analytics in the top left corner of the Pinterest homepage. Recommended Reading: How To Use Social Media Analytics To Create The Best Content 8. Schedule Pins at the Best Possible Times If you want to max out your engagement scale, then you need to make sure your audience can see your content. After doing some research on the best times to post on Pinterest, these are the results: Saturdays are your best bet for reaching Pinterest users- and later at night. Saturdays at 8–11 p.m. Fridays at 3 p.m. General awesome times to Pin to  Pinterest: 8–11 p.m. with 9 p.m. peak 2–4 a.m. and 2–4 p.m. 1–3 p.m.Are you scheduling #Pinterest pins at the best times?You can use Pinterest analytics to analyze the days of the week when you typically get the best results. Recommended Reading: What 16 Studies Say About The Best Times To Post On Social Media 9. Use Rich Pins to Include More  Detailed Information First of all, what the heck is a Rich Pin? Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information right on the Pin itself. There are 6 types of Rich Pins: App Movie Recipe Article Product Place This pin from Whole Foods  (shared in another post by Social Media Examiner) is an example of a Recipe Rich Pin: And here is an example of a Movie Rich Pin: Rich Pins require more work than the other Pinterest strategies above because you’ll need to add meta tags to  your website and then apply to have Rich Pins  enabled,  but these Pins stand out and make the whole user experience better. If necessary, talk to a developer to help implement the right meta data. Use rich pins to make your #Pinterest content stand out.10. Create Pinterest Promoted Ads The quickest way to boost your Pinterest engagement rate is to create an ad. You can decide how long you want the ad to run for, how much you want to spend, and who you want to target. You are in complete control. To create a Pinterest ad: Pick a Pin. Promote your best Pins so they appear in the most relevant places. Decide who sees it. Set up targeting so the right people see your Promoted Pin. Pay for results. Choose to pay for engagement or visits to your site. Track what's working. Pinterest ads will show up with the words "Promoted Pin" in the bottom left corner. Be sure to use a stunning image to catch your reader's eye as they scroll through their Pinterest feed and keywords for maximum reach. Promote pins to reach more people and drive higher engagement.11. Include a Call-to-Action Adding a call-to-action is a quick way to get your readers to engage with your content. According to Quicksprout,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"there is an 80% increase in engagement for pins that contain a call to action.† Try adding relevant descriptions that ask for clicks, repins, or comments. Include a call-to-action either in the image or in the description. Some simple call-to-actions include: Share this post Pin it for later Click here for your free download Register today RSVP here Sign up here Don't be shy to create call-to-action images to your Pinterest profile. You can't argue with an 80% increase in engagement! Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples 12. Install the Pin It Button Want to drive engagement from your website or blogs to Pinterest? Then you need the Pin It button! This Pin It button is  a button that allows users to pin an image in a few clicks, making the process faster and easier.  The BEST part about the Pin It button is that once you install it, your work is done! Your website visitors and readers can Pin your content for you, and their followers will see the activity on Pinterest. 62% of brands have Pin It buttons, including us! All of our blogs include the Pinterest Pin It button: Learn how to install  your Pin It button here. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide On How To Use Pinterest For Marketing 13. Write Killer Social Messages Let your readers know what you're sharing. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the most, according to Social Marketing Writing. You should write a brief social message to describe the image or the blog post the image will lead to. Pin descriptions between 100 and 200 characters get repinned the mostYour social message is a good indicator of what readers can expect when they click on your Pin. Try asking a question, sharing a quick tip, or providing a benefit. Here are some ways you can write better Pinterest descriptions: Create  a keyword-rich description. Share helpful details. Don't include hashtags. Keep it short -  only about 75-100 characters of your description will appear in grid view. Recommended Reading: This Is How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts 14. Create  Tutorials and Guides to Show Your Audience How to Get Something Done Remember that part about creating long images for Pinterest? You can use this to your advantage by creating a visual step-by-step guide for your users. Tutorials and guides have 42% higher click through rates than other Pins. To create a step-by-step guide: Plan out each step. Write your image copy. Assemble images together that match your image copy. Include steps, copy, and images into one Pin. Show your users exactly how to do something on Pinterest by using images and text. You can even upload a video to Pinterest for a quick demonstration. ProBlogger  shared these tips to uploading a  video from your YouTube account: Make sure you have an active YouTube channel. Make sure your videos are branded (have a similar theme so users can easily recognize). Create a Pinterest board specifically for your YouTube channel. Grab your YouTube embedded link. Upload a new Pin. Select the appropriate board. Add a description. You can locate the embedded code by  Share  button on a YouTube video, then selecting the  Embed option. You can also Pin directly from YouTube by clicking on the Pinterest icon under the  Share option: Recommended Reading: 5 Teaching Theories That Will Improve Your Educational Content Marketing 15. Pin Often (And Pin Consistently) Want to increase your Pinterest engagement by 150%? Then you need to post Pins often, roughly 10 times a day. Decide what Pins you want scheduled and let do the work for you. We'll even use our Best Time Scheduling feature to make sure your Pins go out at the peak times. You'll never have to worry about Pins not posting or  your audience seeing 10 pins in a row with . Studies have shown that users who pin 15 to 30 times a day get the best results. These should be spread throughout the day. Schedule your Pins to go out approximately every hour. Recommended Reading: This Is The Social Media Posting Schedule That Will Boost Your Traffic By 192% What Are Some of Your Favorite Pinterest Engagement Tactics? Pinterest is a great social media platform for marketing use and a huge potential source for traffic. Take advantage of  these tactics the next time you log into Pinterest. Get ready to create some awesome Pins for your users and get that engagement rate up! P.S Have you heard!? has Pinterest integration. Save time and get organized today for FREE:  http://.com/signup

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Case Analysis On Arik Air Nigeria Commerce Essay

A Case Analysis On Arik Air Nigeria Commerce Essay This essay is a case analysis on Arik air Nigeria and will therefore seek to identify the major threats and opportunity in the environment, analyse the strength and weakness of the company, identify the strategic position of Arik air, and suggest a strategy to be adopted by the airline in an effort to sustain its competitive advantage. BACKGROUND Arik Air is Nigeria’s biggest indigenous commercial airline offering domestic flights to major cities in Nigeria and with an expanding network of regional and international flight operations to major cities in the world (Eze, 2010). Presently, Arik Air flies to 17 Domestic destinations in Nigeria and 8 International destinations (Arik air, 2010: Online). Arik Air Nigeria The company’s corporate mission is: ‘To be a safe and reliable airline by selecting and operating new, modern aircraft and by employing the most experienced and efficient staff.’ (Airkair, 2010: Online) Vision: ‘To make Nigeria proud of its aviation industry’ (Arikair, 2010: Online) Strategic Intent: Arik’s strategic intent is to be the preferred airline carrier of choice in West Africa. (Airk Air, 2010: Online) EXTERNAL ANALYSIS: The external analysis was conducted using PESTEL Framework and Porter’s five forces as the basic tools (Thompson, 1997; Luffman et al, 1996; Welsh, 2005; Johnson et al, 2009) in an effort to understand the effect of changing environment on Arik Air’s operation. The findings based on pestel framework (See Appendix 1) and Poster’s five forces (See Appendix 2) are as follows: An analysis of the political environment revealed that governments around the world are tightening immigration regulations due to the surge in terrorism the implication of which is a reduction in the number of global traveller thus posing a threat to airline including Arik Air. (Stevermen, 2009; Cartar, 2010). However liberalization and Deregulation efforts are being made in several regions of the world with Asia setting a target for the full liberalization of its skies by the year 2015. This is projected to boost aviation industry performance by creating avenue for fair competition platform between more established airlines and the growing competitors like Arik Air(Bailey, 1986; Smith Ting, 2008). The rising fuel price is a matter of economic concern in the world, with Aviation fuel price estimated at $85 per barrel (IATA, 2010: online) the implication of which is an increase in running cost for airlines and this poses a high threat to Airlines. However, there is optimism that a global economic recovery is on the way with the world economy expected to grow 2.7% in 2010 (World Bank, 2010: Online) and the aviation industry is forecasted to reduce its loss from $5.8 Billion in 2009 to $2.8 Billion in 2010. (Financial Times, 2010). The World travel & tourism council (2010) projects an increase in the number of holiday travellers in 2010 with further growth expec ted in 2011. The 2010 world cup is expected to boost travel to Africa in 2010 (Eberl, 2010). Â   Percentage change vs. 05-Mar-10 Index* $/b cts/gal $/mt 1 week ago 1 month ago 1 year ago Jet Fuel Price 243.3 89.0 211.9 701.4 3.4% 4.1% 80.3% Source: IATA (2010: Online) source from Platts * 100 in 2000 (87 cts/gal) Â   Impact on this year’s fuel bill of the global airline industry: New fuel price average for 2010 Impact on 2010 fuel bill $85.5/b +$13 billion Estimated by IATA Source: IATA (2010: Online)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Project deliverable 1&2 & PowerPoint Assignment

Project deliverable 1 & PowerPoint - Assignment Example 7 1.3. 7 Definition of terms 7 Web analytics 8 References 9 1.0 Business Requirements 1.1 Project overview In the current constantly advancing technological world, web analytics are a set of very vital tools for promoting businesses. This project entails design and implementation of an upgrade of the current Information System. This is to aid the company in becoming very competitive and enable smooth expansion of its Information Technology Infrastructure. This project is aimed at providing the company with an advanced Information Technology Infrastructure that will leverage the data collected in Web analytics to promote company’s essential marketing plans. It entails coming up with a real time web analytic software tool. The tool will be used for capturing web logs, examine them and generate reports. It further focuses on provision of reports for measurements of web traffic parameters such as page views, visits unique visitors and other customizable features. The project is de signed and built to re-engineer the current system used in the company. This project is considered to be very important in solving problems that exist in the current system which include lack of scalability to adapt to the changes and expansions that the company undergoes. 1.2 Background including current process Currently, the company’s has a well designed and operational information system. The system entails a Web Analytics module interacting with operating systems data to provide the company with necessary information such as its current market value. Essentially, the current system provides a significant amount of data. However, due to the speedy growth the company undergoes, and the inability of scaling up the current system it necessitates upgrading of the whole Information System. The main goal for its implementation is to support the expected growth that the company is anticipating. That is, to ensure that the Information Technology is expanded to meet current over g rowing web data that is very vital for optimal business Performance. The Information Technology role for this project is to promote business data capturing and processing at the company. It further aims to ensure that the company’s Information System guarantees business data confidentiality, integrity and availability. 1.3 Scope 1.3.1 Scope of project In order to ensure that the project provides the targeted or expected deliverables within the set out time frame, the project scope entails coverage of the following very essential areas. A well designed and integrated web analytic software application will be developed. Due to time constraints, only the following modules will be focused on. A dashboard module will be tasked on provision of a bird’s eye of all data captured, processed and those under processing. A visitor’s module will deliver variables of all those visitors of a web page. Thirdly, an action module will be used at adding a web page, deleting it or doing modification as specified in the module itself. A management module is a key functional feature that will be used at controlling user login, new system user registration and other essential features. A distributed relational database system will further be integrated to the software application to aid in smooth expansion of the company’s Inf